jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2021

Summer camps

 Summer camps

A.- If you like the idea of spending time at the beach while finding out more about the ocean, the Sealife summer camp is perfect for you. On this two-week camp, you will learn science about the sea. You'll also have plenty of opportunities to do water sports. Sign up now!

B.- Do you enjoy playing games on screen? Have you ever thought about designing one yourself? On this one-week camp, taught by the designer of the popular game Tennis Tournament, you will work with a partner to create a new video game. Sign up for this course and build the game you've always dreamed about!

C.- Are you interested in Spanish food and cooking, but don't know where to start? On this two-week camp for beginners, you will learn basic skills in the kitchen, as well as how to cook tasty dishes using fresh, healthy ingredients.

D.- On this four-week camp, you'll practise speaking and listening to Spanish from when you get up in the morning to when you go to bed at night. You'll have language classes, go on trips and practise playing football. You'll even get some tips and practise playing football. You'll even get some tips from a star footballer. This camp is for beginner students who want to improve quickly!

E.- Would you like to explore the world of movie-making by writing a screenplay, choosing the actors, directing, filming and acting? On this two-week camp, you'll spend the first week trying everything involved with making a film. In the second week, you choose a role and, in groups, make a film!

F.- For all young chefs out there, this is the course for you! Taught by qualified cookery teachers, you will spend a week learning how to make different dishes from all over the world, as well as inventing your own new ones. The course ends with a session given by the celebrity cook Margot McMar.

G.- Improve your Spanish and do sport at the same time on our two-week course by the sea. Taught by professional Spanish-speaking trainers, you will get the chance to play teams sports such as volleyball, basketball, football and hockey, as well as individual sports like windsurfing and horse-riding.

H.- On this summer camp, you can improve your skills on a musical instrument, or learn how to play a new instrument of your choice. In one-to-one and group lessons with a professional musician. Drama classes are also offered, as well as classes in different types of dance.

Israel's genocide

Israel's genocide Video about Israel's genocide Video quiz https://app.kwizie.ai/en/qp/215828