martes, 24 de octubre de 2023

Inversion in Yes/no Questions

Inversion in Yes/no Questions

According to the British Council, 'Inversion' means reversing the normal subject-verb word order in a sentence.

When do you think inversion is used in English?

1.- Present Perfect

They have already been to the UK. => Have they already been to the UK? 

She has ever eaten snails. => Has she ever eaten snails?

Have/Has + Subject (+ ever/already/never/just) + Verb in Past Participle + Complement?

2.- Past Perfect

They had never seen a shark before having gone to Cozumel. => Had they never seen a shark before having gone to Cozumel?

Had + Subject (+ever/already/never/just) + Verb in Past Participle + Complement?

3.- Future Simple or Future with will

He will probably meet an important person in his life. => Will he probably meet an important person in his life?

Will + Subject (+ probably, never) + Verb in Base Form + Complement?

4.- Present Continuous

She is watching TV right now. => Is she watching TV right now?

Am/Is/Are + Subject + Verb in -ing + Complement?

5.- Present Simple

5.1.- Present Simple for most of the verbs

They have a car. => Do they have a car?

She has a doll. => Does she have a doll?

Do/Does + Subject + Verb in Base Form + Complement?

5.2.- Present Simple with 'be'

She is sad. => Is she sad?

5.3.- Present Simple with 'can'

He can play tennis => Can he play tennis?

6.- Past Simple

They ate pasta last night. => Did they eat pasta last night?

Did + Subject + Verb in Base Form + Complement?

7.- Modals

I should take an aspirin. => Should I take an aspirin?

Could/Should/Must/Might/May + Subject + Verb + Complement?

Collaborative Online Exercise about Inversion in Questions

Individual Online Exercise about Inversion in Questions

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