miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2024

Eight Films Showing at the Film club}

 Eight Films Showing at the Film club}


A.- Land


If you enjoy the romance of the high seas, this film is for you. Teenager Tom Dudley hides on a ship sailing to the Americas. He hopes to become rich but that’s not how things end for Tom. Although made in the 1970s with none of the special effects we expect today, this film is a fine piece of story telling.


B.- The Tower

This movie was in cinemas last year and it is director Blake Cole’s best film. The film is very close to the original book and the main characters are played beautifully by two unknown actors. They bring the past back to life and make you really care about them. So when they eventually marry you’ll have a tear in your eye!


C.- Blaze

This film may not be full of Hollywood stars but it’s full of high-speed chases, amazing computer graphics and fantastic music. In the year 4638, Jonas leaves the world he loves to look for work on a distant planet. However, he finds more than he expected. This film is based on the popular cartoon novel by Toshio Yoshida.

D.- Net Worth

Vince is a science geek who spends al his time playing computer games. So everyone is surprised when he suddenly becomes a millionaire after inventing a new game that people can play on the internet. Laugh out loud as Vince enjoys himself being the new ‘Mr Popular’ at school.


E.- Star Child

Sunny Jones, played by Bonny Wild, is a teenager who finds herself in the land of Zorn, under the spell of an evil queen. Although it’s not in colour, the singing and dancing and Wild’s wonderful voice bring the film to life and make it as enjoyable today as it was back in 1941, when it was made.


F.- Download

In director Guss Halls first film, Katie’s life is controlled by the tracks she’s listening to on her iPod. She falls in love with Toby while she’s listening to love songs but things go wrong between them when she starts listening to modern jazz! Well-known stars Hedd Gold and Jake Myers keep the laughs coming throughout the film.


G.- Making it

Fran is a real young pop singer who dreams of being famous in this documentary drama. The director, Bob Johansson, chose to film this movie in black and white and the final effect is wonderful. The film shows just how hrd it is to make dreams come true.


H.- Catch

Harry Black is a spy, at least he says he is, but then he meets and falls in love with Greta who might actually be a spy. There are some amusing, high-speed conversations in this film, so listen carefully and enjoy the action. Are they spies or not? You’ll only find out in the final scene.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024

Teen writers on TV hit Catch

 Teen writers on TV hit Catch


Dan Finelli is a normal teenager from north London, he goes to school, enjoys hanging out with his mates and only occasionally misses his classes. But Dan also happens to be a writer for the popular teen drama, Catch. The second series starts this week and the one-hour episode that Dan wrote, his very first for the show, will be on screen later in the year. This will make him one of the youngest writers of a peak-time drama over.

Catch is about the lives of a group of 16-18-year-olds in a sixth-form college. The school doesn’t really exist, but the whole show does feel very true to life. There’s an episode every week and each one concentrates on an individual member of the group and tells his or her story.

The idea for the programme came from an unusual source, a father-and-son pair of writers, Ken Thomas and his son Callum. They took their idea to a TV company and were very surprised when the company said they were keen to make it. Now, Ken and Callum are central members of the writing team but in order to build that team. Ken had to go to theatre companies, and writing groups all over London to find both writers and teens to advise on the stories.


One writer he approached to join the team of the second series was Lizzie Wise. She had never heard of Catch when Ken first invited her to write. But Ken thought she would be right for the show because he’d read one of her plays and thought she was a very strong writer. Lizzie is only nineteen but has lots of valuable theatre experiences. She says, ‘I’ve watched much more TV than I’ve ever watched plays, so it wasn’t difficult for me to change to TV writing. What’s most challenging on Catch is the number of scenes in which there’s hardly any talking and where the story’s told through the looks the characters give each other and their body language only. These scenes take a long time to get right but they look great on the screen.’

These scenes take a long time to get right but they look great on the screen.’

Conversation to be commpleted

Choose the correct verb forms to complete the conversation.

When I (9) get / am getting  home from school, I hate (10) start / starting my homework straightaway. I like (11) relax / relaxing for a while and (12) not do / not doing anything! What about you?

I (13) have / am having drama club after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I don’t mind (14) be / being so busy, but I often (15) get / am getting quite tired. So, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I enjoy (16) not do / not doing much at all. After I (17) finish / am finishing my homework, I love (18) lie / lying on the sofa listening to music.

martes, 18 de junio de 2024

Ice-cream farm

Part 1.- For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Ice-cream farm


Deep in the heart of beautiful Irish countryside (0)_C) lies_ Willow Farm café. Its proprietor is Marth Lindsay, wife of farmer Dereck who has a heard of 100 cows. It is an extremely popular (1)______ for tourists with young families because of the wonderful ice cream it sells. There are 20 regular flavours, but the number one bestseller is Willows Own, a unique vanilla-based recipe whose contents are a (2)________ guarded secret! Everyone tries it (3)________ for its rich, creamy, natural taste – one that mass-produced ice cream cannot (4)________. The café also sells teas and cakes to (5)_______ for the tastes of older customers.

The ice cream is made using only natural ingredients from the farm, including milk, eggs, and even strawberries or apples, which give each product its (6)________ flavour.


The café is hard to (7)_________ to, but Martha reckons this is all part of the attraction for visitors. Certainly, it is well worth the (8)_______ as the views of the surrounding countryside are stunning.



A.      sits

B.      rests

C.     lies

D.     falls


A. visit

B. objective

C. intention

D. destination


A. narrowly

B. precisely

C. closely

D. thoroughly



A. praises

B. compliments

C. thanks

D. congratulations


A. balance

B. match

C. compare

D. measure



A. supply

B. offer

C. deliver

D. cater


A. divided

B. disconnected

C. distinct

D. dissimilar



A. arrive

B. come

C. reach

D. get


A. effort

B. task

C. feat

D. act

The ability to use both hands

Part 2.- For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


The ability to use both hands


If asked, most people (0) WOULD  say that most individuals are right-handed, some are left-handed and a few are ‘ambidextrous’ – they can use both hands equally well. In fact, the truth (9)________ the matter is somewhat more complicated. For one thing, the true scientific definition of ‘ambidextrous’ is (10)_________ able to write equally well with other hand, and only 1% of people fall into (11)_______ category.


Certainly, some people are very strongly right or left dominant when it (12)_________ to using their hands legs. But many people are (13)________ entirely individual mix, for example, someone might be a right-hander for playing tennis but a left-footer in football.


Of course top sportspeople sometimes try to train themselves (14)_________ be equally capable with both sides of the body. The (15)_______ can be said of people in other professions. A carpenter or mechanic who can learn to use tools with his weaker hand will find things much easier and is far (16)_______ likely to suffer from repetitive strain injuries.

Jobs in the future

Part 3.- For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Jobs in the future

In twenty years’ time, which jobs will people still be doing, and which is it (0)_REASONABLE (REASON) to assume will have gone forever? Today’s young people should give that question careful (17)________(CONSIDER) before choosing a career. Clearly there will continue to be a need for staff in (18)_________(EXIST) professions such as (19)________(POLITICS) and lawyers.

There will of course be no (20)_________(SHORT) of jobs in science and technology, particularly for individuals able to (21)__________(SPECIAL) in newer fields such as biotechnology and microbiology.

On the other hand, the already rapid (22)__________(LOSE) of jobs to robots will speed up even further, as they replace workers not only in manufacturing but also in the (23)________(CONSTRUCT) industry. And as robots learn how to stack shelves, take over at check-outs or send us our online shopping, it won’t be long before most supermarket jobs have (24)_______(APPEAR), too.

Working as a news TV producer

Part 6.- You are going to read an article in which a television news producer talks about his work. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37-42). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Working as a TV news producer

Rob Cole has produced TV news for decades now, working on anything from international celebrities to global conflicts. He shares the benefits of this considerable experience in the industry.

Rob’s time behind the cameras has coincided with huge changes in the way news is reported – from a time when everyone bought local newspapers through the birth of 24-hour rolling news, and now the Internet. But what is the work like on a day-to-day basis?


Rob’s always worked in foreign news, so his focus is obviously on news from around the world. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of that. Rob comes in early, having checked his phone, social media, and listened to as many news programmes as he could. 37.-_____ Running the foreign section is like a never-ending contest – constantly trying to get his journalists’ news presented ahead of the TV station’s other sections.


Once you have a story it’s then a matter of making sure that wherever the journalist is, the report comes into the building – through satellite, Internet, or other routes – and it is ready to run on air on time. 38.-____ There’s nothing like getting a note from the producer at another network congratulating on a job well done. The low points, on the other hand, are much less pleasant: ‘I’ve had colleagues badly injured.’

So how can you become a news producer? Says Rob: ‘We get loads of applications. 39.-_____ Don’t be put off; people in this business admire people who don’t give up easily, for obvious reasons.’


You need to be keen to learn and, of course, take a real interest in current affairs. ‘You have to be obsessed with news, constantly following it. Even if you’re a creative producer, doing graphics, you still have to care about what’s going on in the world. Also, some people think about going into the media just because it sounds exciting. That would be a mistake; you have to really want to do the job. Luck’s involved too, of course. 40.-______’.


In some ways, Rob’s job should remain fairly constant for the next few years. ‘They will always need someone to make decisions and take responsibility for newsgathering. However, what will change is the way in which news is delivered. When I started in TV, the crew used to consist of a reporter, a producer, a camera operator, a sound person, and sometimes even a separate lighting person. 41.-____ Now there’s just the reporter and a multitasking camera operator who also edits and supplies the written material – if you’re lucky!’


‘Before long there will be a crew of just one,  shooting all their own material on a smartphone, then editing and voicing that material, before sending it to head office, where it ends up going straight on air. 42.-_____ Actually, this has already started to happen. The technology will just get quicker and quicker and smaller and smaller.’


A) You might write to just the right person at the right time.

B) Turning the device around and pressing the live app button also enables live broadcasting into the same programme.

C) They would be loaded down with equipment and some of them would be linked by cable.

D) With this information, before any stories actually come in, he then decides on the news priorities of the day.

E) In those days it was possible to start a career in news without even going to university: you went straight into training on a local paper.

F) Making sure it does so matters, especially given the friendly competition with other TV networks: ‘beating the other networks

G) I always endeavour to reply, but from my down experience too many people don’t get back to you, so it’s best to keep trying.

Eight Films Showing at the Film club}

 Eight Films Showing at the Film club}   A.- Land   If you enjoy the romance of the high seas, this film is for you. Teenager Tom Du...