jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021
Meals in Italy
lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021
Student Adam Brown talks about growing up in a tiny house
Student Adam Brown talks about growing up in a tiny house
I was nine when my parents first
had the idea of moving from a normal-sized flat in the city to a small place in
the countryside, and I was eleven by the time we actually did it. And when I
say small, I mean really, really small. Our new home was about the size of a
typical garage. Compared to the car-park-sized flat where we used to live, it
was tiny.
We built our tiny house ourselves
on a piece of land about two hours’ drive from the city. We used to go there
every weekend and during holidays to work on it, but, even so, it took nearly
two years to finish. My mum designed the house to include all the basic things
that a normal house has but fitted into a much smaller space. My ‘bedroom’ was
built in a space under the roof that I could reach by ladder.
parents were very happy with our new life. They enjoyed being able to grow our
own fruit and vegetables and keep chickens to provide us with eggs. They were
particularly pleased about not having to pay for power and fuel because we
could produce our own electricity from the sun. We also collected wood from the
land around us to burn for heat.
I remember that I took me a few months to get used to living
in such a small place. At first, I missed having all my favourite toys and
books around me. Before we moved from the city, we had had to give away most of
our things because there wasn’t enough room for them anymore, but now I don’t
mind having fewer things. And one thing I love about our tiny home is being
able to spend so much more time outside – something I didn’t do in the city
very often. And I do a lot more things with my parents, which is great.
I’m away at university now,
and share a flat with other students, where my bedroom is about the same size
as my whole family home! When I go back to see my parents, I find it hard to
manage now in such a small space. I don’t think I’ll choose ‘tiny living’ for
myself in the future, but I’m glad that I’ve had the experience of it.
Israel's genocide
Israel's genocide Video about Israel's genocide Video quiz https://app.kwizie.ai/en/qp/215828

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