martes, 15 de marzo de 2022

Proposal to build a new airport for London

You are going to read extracts from articles in which four experts give their views on a proposed new airport for London. For questions 37-40, choose from the experts A-D. The experts may be chosen more than once.


Proposal to build a new airport for London, possibly on an artificial island in the estuary of the River Thames (CAE 1 final exam)


A.- Larry Jones

Air travel is increasing worldwide, and with London 's existing airports operating at close to capacity, we face a stark choice: expansion or an additional airport? A significant benefit of a new-build is that the current airports wouldn't then require new runways - which are strenuously opposed by local residents. In addition, new flight paths could avoid contributing to air and noise pollution over London. A new airport is a new opportunity, and should be designed with an eye on current and future developments in aeronautics: it could take planes with a greater capacity even than the biggest used now, which would at least reduce the impact of the expected growth in total passenger numbers. The Thames estuary is home to vast numbers of birds , which would be seriously affected by an airport. However, if it comes to a choice between birds and people , I'm afraid our own species has to come first.


B.- Karen Macmillan

The more idealistic among us may believe that the world's love affair with air travel is nearing its end, but I'm certainly not one of them. We can't avoid providing for the additional airport capacity likely to be required over the next 30 to 50 years, and for my money, that means a new airport in the Thames estuary. Even if construction goes ahead, however, it will only be a matter of time before expansion of the existing airports will become inevitable. At least an airport in the estuary would save Londoners from the extra pollution resulting from the alternative, as its flight paths could be largely or entirely over water. Admittedly, it is unfortunate that the Thames estuary provides habitats for many species of birds. Ways will have to be found to mitigate the effects, while enabling construction of the airport to go ahead.


C.- Bernie Dodd

We share this planet with innumerable other species, all of which - including ourselves - are interdependent. Our wanton disregard of our environment is harmful not only to its other inhabitants, but also to ourselves. Constructing an airport in the Thames estuary would be so destructive of wildlife that it shouldn't even be considered. Yes, some argue that it would benefit the existing airports, but better to bite the bullet and expand those we have now than wreak havoc on a hitherto unspoilt part of the country. Besides, the claim that a new airport would reduce noise and improve air quality in London simply doesn't hold water: maybe it wouldn't worsen the current situation , but that's the best we could hope foro At present, there seems to be no prospect of the air travel frenzy dying down, but let's limit the damage to areas that are already damaged .


D.- Isabel Smith

Is it really the case that London needs an additional airport? Technology is progressing fast, and with wide-bodied aircraft, fewer flights are needed for the same number of passengers. Besides, the advent of quieter planes will mean that runways that are currently closed at night, because of noise, will be able to operate round the clock. The existing airports will be able to handle growth in passenger numbers for years to come, without needing any new run ways to be constructed. Perhaps some carriers would transfer their operations to a Thames estuary airport, and that would lead to an improvement in London's air quality, but a new airport would involve destroying the habitats of thousands of wetland birds, with - to my mind - no justification. A new airport should be ruled out.

Which expert…

expresses a different view from Jones on whether a new airport would remove the need for additional runways at existing airports? 37.- _____

shares Smith's view about wildlife in the Thames estuary? 38.- _____

shares Smith's view about the total number of flights required in the future? 39.- _____

has a different opinion from the others about the effects a new airport would have on pollution in London? 40.- _____


O’Dell, Felicity (2015) Advanced Trainer. 2nd edition. Reading and Use of English Part 6 Test 6. Cambridge University Press: Dubai. Pages 180 and 181.

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