domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

Yaz's mail

Hi Gerard,


Thanks to your email – it was good to hear from you.


I started university here in Bristol six weeks ago and now it’s going really well. The university is fantastic and Bristol’s an exciting city. It’s also an expensive city. I’d like to find a job in a shop next year because I really need some money!


As you know, I’m studying IT. It’s a very interesting course and the teachers are good. There’s lots of work to do but there are also lots of things to do in my free time. I’m learning to dance and I can now play volleyball quite well.


I’m making some new friends here. Simon and Annette are really nice. I met Simon at my dance class. He’s a language student and he can speak Italian and German very well. He’s also a good dancer and he helps me in the lessons. Annette is studying IT and we met in the university bookshop on the first day. We often study together in the evening.


The people here are really nice, but I miss my family at home and I miss my friends too.


Write again soon!


Best wishes,


GODFREY, Rachel (2018) Empower A1 Starter Workbook. It's a fantastic city in 11C Skills for Writing. Cambridge University Press: Dubai. Page 67.


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