lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023

New law to protect children from paparazzi

 New law to protect children from paparazzi

Paparazzi who harass the children of public (0) B FIGURES will face stiffer penalties under new legislation in California. The law signed by state governor Jerry Brown, increases (1,1)________ for actions that include taking photographs or videos of a child consent. Media organisations had opposed the move, which increases penalties for harassing children because of their parents’ job, on the (1.2)_________ that it could restrict legitimate newsgathering activities. Those caught (1.3)________ the restrictions now (1.4)________ a maximum sentence of one year in jail and a fine of up to $10,000. The bill was given a boost when Hollywood actor Halle Berry gave it her (1.5)________ she said her daughter had been (1.6)________ by aggressive photographers who followed them daily, often shouting as they (1.7)________ images of the star and her family. Welcoming the legislation, she said: ‘I started this fight with a great deal of hope and a bit of uncertainty so I am very (1.8)________ to Governor Brown for recognizing the plight of children who are tormented because of their parents’ identity.’

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